Bad Choices Misty Addams
Starring Misty Addams and Scott Torvea
Misty Addams has been to this country many times. She likes to be able to go far from home and be someone else. Also she has figured out a way to pay for her trip and have a little fun at the same time.
In this country they look at prostitution a little more lenient than back home. They just require a license like they do for exotic dancers. And even if you don’t have a license and you get caught. All you have to do is go to court, plead guilty, pay a small fine and buy a license.
Unfortunately for her there are exceptions. Some places you are not allowed to solicit because they are known hangouts for political leaders and important diplomats. If you are caught soliciting there or to a diplomat, then you are not committing prostitution. You are considered a spy committing treason with a penalty of death.
In court
Misty Addams did not know the bar she was at was such a place. So when she was arrested she didn’t think it was a big deal. And when the judge asked her how she wanted to plead. She said guilty. He confirmed that she knew that she was giving up her rights to repeal. As well as her rights to her country’s consulate counsel. Thinking she would just have to pay the fine and go she agreed and waived all her rights. The judge handed down her sentence. She would be convicted of spying and treason with the sentence of death! The guard comes in and she tries to struggle. He bends her over the desk and handcuffs her. Then escorts her off to prison.
In prison
While in prison she managed to make friends with the warden. Close friends. And she used her good looks and beautiful body to keep getting appeals. Since the warden was the one who decided when her sentence would be carried out. Misty treated him well. All the guards knew what she was doing and hated her for it. She flaunted that they had to be nice to her or she would tell her boyfriend “The Warden” and he wouldn’t be happy with them. Scott, the guard that had cuffed her in court, had enough of her. He decided to take matters into his own hands.
Misty was in her cell laying on her cot. The guard called out for her to get to her feet. She stands up and looks at him with almost a smile. He calls for the cell door to open and has her turn around. Scott enters and handcuffs her hands behind her back. Then walks her out of the cell.
The walk
Once in the hallway he starts to walk her to the left. She stops him and tells him that the wardens office is the other way. He just tell her to face the wall. Once against the wall he takes out shackles and puts them on her ankles.
Now handcuffed and shackled he grabs her arm and walks her down the hallway. She struggles and demands to know what is happening. He tells her that the warden is dead. She struggles more and starts asking where he is taking her. The prisoner is really concerned now. She knows the warden was the only thing keeping her alive.
Finally the guard tells her they are just going to medical. He walks arm holding her so she doesn’t fall in her handcuffs and shackles. There are closeups of the arm holding. As well as the handcuffs on her wrists and the shackles on her ankles.
In Medical
Once in the the medial room he un-cuffs her wrists and ankles. He has her lay down on the medical table and grabs leather straps. When he starts tying her down with the leather straps she asks what he is doing. He tells her it is a new rule. After a little bit of arguing she finally just lays back and lets him strap her down.
The guard secures each wrist down to the table. Then he puts a leather strap around her ankles. This secures her legs together. She tells him that there is no need for all this. But it is too late. She is completely tied down now.
The guard takes out the stethoscope and checks her heart but he tells her he doesn’t know why it matters. Then he starts stumbling around the table with all the supplies on it. She asks him where the regular doctor is. He ignores her and keeps looking around the table.
Finally he takes out two needles. He gives her a choice as to which one she wants. You see one is a booster shot for her vaccine and the other contains something else. He smiles and makes her choose.
Then he explains to her what is really happening. And that this should have been done a long time ago. But she managed to prolong her life and he is here to finish it for her.