Stomach Ache Exam Misty Addams
Starring Misty Addams and Scott Torvea
Misty Addams has had a stomach ache for about a week now. At first she thought it was nothing but after a few days she decided that she should get it checked out. So she scheduled an appointment at the clinic.
When the doctor comes in she explains to him what the issue is. After he asks a few questions he has her get on the scale. He has her face away from the scale and checks her weight. Then he checks her height. After writing it all down he has her sit on the medial table.
He checks her eyes with his flashlight. Looking to see if her eyes are dilated. Then has her follow it side to side as well as moving in and out. He writes it all down and then places the stethoscope on her chest. Her heart is nice and strong.
Next he has her lay down on her back. He does a visual inspection of her stomach. Then he uses the stethoscope on her stomach. Slowly moving it around listening for anything unusual. Then he starts pressing on her stomach with his hands.
He tells her to let him know if anything hurt when he is applying pressure. She tells him the areas that hurt when he presses. He continues to feel around her entire stomach area. After his initial probing and thumping he starts pressing more with his fingers. Feeling deeper in her stomach.
He makes some notes and tells her that aside from the bruises on her stomach that he noticed some inflammation. She asks if it is serious. He tells her that he is not sure, but there are some areas of concern. Between the bruising and the swelling he wants to run some more tests.
He lets her know that he is going to let the girls up front know what tests he wants run. And once she gets her shoes back on they will set everything up.